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Friday, December 24, 2010


SKYLINE is a 2010 science fiction thriller about alien invasion.This movie was directed and produced by Brothers Strause (Brothers Greg and Colin Strause) who are also known  for their special effects.

MY first glance on the movie, i felt like i'm curios about it. But suddenly with too much light coming from somewhere i felt like I will be alienated by the film.

As the story goes along, i thought that the plot is not jiving with the real essence of the movie.With the main characters all trap in an expensive condo unit try to escape the hunting aliens, its like the director can do more better than this kind of setting.At the same time im not satisfied with the ending. It makes you hanging and waiting without a guarantee of its next sequel.

I also noticed that the actors and actresses on the film are not really good in delivering their role. I thought this are good actors despite they are not that popular but while watching it i feel pity about the film.

On the other hand, the sci-fi effects are good. But effects alone could not carry the whole movie in to a blockbuster hit. I admire the effects on how the people vacuumed into the horizon by the big alien spaceship, that part was thrilling.Another spark on this movie are those alien creatures roaming around LA on how they hunt and kill the humans, that part was a bit scary too.

To sum it up let me give my grade for this film;

Story and Plot: 3 out of 10
Effects and Setting: 8 out of 10
Characters : 3 out of 10
TOTAL: 4.6 out of 10

So i decided to rate this film as a Satisfactory Film
(the picture was taken from wikipedia)

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